Features of PVC true union valves
 Nov 14, 2018|View:1387

If you are interested in PVC true union valves,i think you can't miss this article. In order to help you know more about this product,we will introduce this product from its features.

PVC true union valves.jpg

Low resistance
The internal surface of the pipe is smooth with no dirt and no blockage. The loss is 30% lower than that of the cast-iron pipes.
2.Light weight
The weight per unit is only 1/6 of the cast-iron pipes, so the transport is quite convenient.
3.Easy installation
It adopts the glue and soft joining. Therefore, the installation is quite easy and sealing is reliable.
4.Non-toxic and sanitation
The product conforms to the standards of the drink water and water transported has no second pollution.
5.Corrosion resistance
It has good quality of high acid resistance, alkali resistance, chemicals resistance and electro chemistry resistance, so the point of corrosion will not occur during the use.
After our introducing,i think you may know more about PVC true union valves. And if you need this product,welcome to contact us.