Knowledge of HDPE material
 Mar 19, 2018|View:1201


Polymers which consist only of carbon and hydrogen(hydrocarbons) are called polyolefins

Polyethylene (PE) belongs to this group. It is a semicrystalline thermoplastic. Polyethylene is the best known standard polymer. The chemical formula is: (CH 2–CH2)n, and it is an environmentally friendly hydrocarbon product.

PE and PP belong to the non-polar materials. Because of this, the material does not dissolve in common solvents and, in addition, hardly swells. As a result, PE pipes cannot be solvent cemented. The appropriate jointing method for this material is welding. For piping installations we offer three welding techniques in our product range butt fusion, socket welding and electrofusion.

The latter jointing technique is preferred for piping systems transporting gas, water, compressed air or other less aggressive

The latter jointing technique is preferred for piping systems transporting gas, water, compressed air or other less aggressive media. Butt and socket welding are preferably used on a diameter specific basis.

High molecular PE grades of medium to high density have become state of the art for industrial piping installations. The grades are classified in accordance with their internal pressure resistance in PE80(MRS 8 Mpa) and PE100(MRS 10 Mpa).

In this context, we also talk about PE grades of the 3rd generation PE80 grades belong, in most cases, to the 2nd generation PE grades of the 1st generation- PE63 according to current classifications have practically no application anymore.

In piping construction, PE is mostly used for buried gas and water lines. For this range of applications, polyethylene has become the dominant material in numerous Countries. But also building

technology and industrial piping installations make use of the advantages of this material.

The advantages

low weight

outstanding flexibility

good abrasion resistance

corrosion resistance

high impact resistance even at very low temperature

good chemical resistance

safe and easy jointing by welding

excellent cost-performance ratio